Thursday, March 25, 2010

Widgets and such like

Added a gadget, but couldn't get the ones from Google....frustrating. so have ended up adding Dig... I really liked the ones on the University of Texas site (but only if i was a student) they would make life so much easier I reckon.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Have created a new ning for a craft group that I am hoping to be involved in. Have sent the invites and will wait and see what happens. Was fun choosing all the colours, although it looks a bit of a mess at the moment - I will refine! Like everything, the only way it will work is if people use it, and I suspect we won't. I do enjoy the social networking environment though, and if it was possible i could see the library becoming a lot more invovled. My are for example (selection and access) could be using the process as a way of keeping in touch with customers - but would it be allowed?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Social networking

I have a very nice time on Facebook. It has been a great way for me to keep up with friends, and to check out what my daughter is up to! My son won't let me on his, so I only imagine the worst. I like looking at people's photos and generally being quite nosy. I really liked what I saw of Onlinegroups and think it works better than Ning, but I will try it out and see. Good way to set up an interest group that can be quite personal and not as large as facebook. Mind you, on facebook y0u can join any multitude of interest groups if you wanted to - or had the time! I keep on harping back to time....there really does have to be a lot of it if you are going to truly become part of the online social networking world.
I know that some libraries use facebook and I think it is a good idea, just because so many people use it and it really is a one stop shop. Saves trawling through websites and blogs, but can also direct people to good stuff that we have.
Could we set up social networking for specific interest groups with a Library focus?


Well, I've had a bit of a play around. One day I would like to organise all my photos and make them look pretty....but when? It's all about time, how much time you really want to be spending clicking away at the computer. My arms are sore at the moment, and the less time i spend the better, so I can't say I will become a flickr officiando in the next wee while. Perhpas when I reture!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

2006 Eukanuba AKC. Affenpinser

this one is for Tania. A rather odd looking Affenpinser
For some reason I struggled a bit with the podcast. Eventually realised that it goes onto my Google reader, not the blog. I occasionally listen to something on National Radio Nine to noon that I know I have missed while being at work, so it is handy. You could actually spend your whole day reading RSS feeds and listening to podcasts, in between writing your blog. I would need to leave work.
I have to be careful that I don't start rushing my way through these exercises. Time is tricky to find, I don't know how library staff did this course who are front line, they must have been very dedicated. Enjoyed the bit about learning styles. I am very much a doer.

Monday, March 8, 2010

RSS feeds

I have had RSS feeds for a while now. I use them in my work mainly as I find that the updates can be helpful in keeping up with the areas that I buy the stock for. I use Guardian Weekly a lot as it has a special page for book reviews and news about publishing. The same for the New York Times book review page which is also rather good. For my own use I like a blog called Attic24 which is a lovely crafty young mum in England who posts regularly about things she has made and what is happening in her life. Early Word is also another that keeps well ahead of what is hot and what is not!

You can see that I have made links to these pages for you to look at. This is easy to do. You highlight the words in your blog that you want people to click on, then you copy the URL from the web page and click on the link button at the top of your blog and paste in the URL... This might seem really confusing, and it is the way I have explained it, not you! I am happy to show you this at any time.